Board games that have survived the ages

Board games that have survived the ages

If there is a time machine, it is board games. It is they that allowed a glimpse into the past of humanity. People, even thousands of years ago, were relentlessly looking for something to occupy their free minutes. And so, someone took a pebble, drew patterns on the sand, invented rules — and so the first games appeared. Some of them have survived the centuries, as if they had a cheat code for immortality, and have stayed with us to this day, like Mexican dominoes which you can buy in board game stores.

Senet — is a board game battle for eternity

Just imagine in Ancient Egypt, the sands have been keeping secrets for centuries, the priests have drawn mysterious symbols, and the pharaoh is moving a figure on a carved board with a concentrated look.

This Senet is a true ritual, where each move decides the fate not only of the player, but also of his soul. It is about 5,000 years old and was more than just entertainment. Not without reason, images of Senet are found in the tombs of great rulers, because it was believed that the one who played well in life would easily pass the path of the soul after death.

Dominoes — the world strategy available to everyone

It would seem that what could be simpler than dominoes? Just some knuckles with dots, which need to be stacked on each other. But don’t jump to conclusions — it’s a game without boundaries. In the XII century A.D. in China, it started its way as a pastime of sages, in Europe it became a favorite pastime of aristocrats, and in Latin America and the Caribbean — almost a national sport.

But perhaps the most cunning variant of this game is Mexican train dominoes. Here each player leads his own «train» of knuckles, building a chain of moves, where logic and calculation decide everything.

Go — is a game where stones decide fate

This is a philosophy that came to us from ancient China. It is older than many civilizations and can tell a story of wisdom and harmony. 4000 years ago, when the world was very different, the sages of China already realized that if you want to win, you need to understand the world. The Go board is like a reflection of the universe, with its lines and intersections. But the main thing that makes it special is peace and balance. Go teaches not only strategy, but also how to manage your inner world, finding harmony even in the most difficult situations.

Pachisi — is the ancient game that gave birth to modern board games

This is the real mother of all board games. It can be safely considered the predecessor of Monopoly and all the fascinating strategies that we love. Originating from India and dating back to the 4th century AD, Pachisi epitomizes strategy and excitement combined with a unique culture.

Pachisi has been a favorite for its social side. In India, it was played not only to win, but also to strengthen bonds and share moments of joy with friends. And the strategy here was so deep that each move could decide the fate of the entire game.

Shatranj — is the Persian root of the chess universe

This is what was the beginning of what we know today as chess, which won the hearts of people as early as the 6th century. Shatranj, like the wind, left the sands of Persia and traveled to the most remote corners of the world to become what it is today — the greatest game of strategy. Originating around 1500 years ago, Shatranj became a favorite pastime for scholars, rulers, and aristocracy before reaching Europe. It’s an evolution that led us to chess, where every move carries weight and games can last for hours.

To summarize

The history of board games is not just boring facts about rules and moves, it’s a whole poem about people, their needs, their desire for companionship, winning and meaning in life. It is the story of how we have entertained, competed and tried to understand the world while sitting around tables with people we care about.

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